Department of
Legal Affairs
The Registrar's Office is the official and required registry of all instruments affecting lands, matai titles, court grants, leases, and corporations. It the Territory's custodian of records of all instruments authorized to be registered and recorded.
The Registrar's Office plays an important role in ensuring that the Office of the Attorney Genel complies with its mission.

Need help with land, title, or other records?
As a matter of law, all books of registry, the records contained therein, and the indexes of their contents shall be public record and open to inspection by the public at the Registrar's Office. Inspection must be conducted in the presence of the Registrar or one of his assistants during office hours.
The staff will be able to assist you in finding records pertaining to land matters, title matters, corporations, or any other available records.
Can the Office of the Attorney General represent me in a land or title matter?
If you are involved in a land or title matter, you would need to hire a private attorney to represent your interests. Click here to visit the American Samoa Bar Association website for a list of attorneys that are licensed to practice law in American Samoa. Please be advised that the Department of Legal Affairs is not responsible for the accuracy of the information available on the American Samoa Bar Association website.