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Click below for a sample complaint letter.

How to Write an Effective Complaint Letter

Here are some points to cover when writing your complaint letter:


  • Include your name, contact phone number and email address. 

  • If you have to write your letter by hand, please be sure that your handwriting is clear and legible. 

  • Make your complaint letter brief but please be sure it contains all the important facts and circumstances about your purchase or interaction with the business. Describe the product you purchased, the date, store location and what the defect was in the product.

  • Let the business know how you would like the problem to be reasonably  resolved and how long you are willing to wait.

  • Include copies of the receipt but NOT the originals.

  • Please keep your letter reasonable and not angry or threatening. Keep in mind that 

  • If the response by the business is not to your satisfaction, be sure to keep a copy of this letter for yourself and forward a copy to the Consumer Protection Bureau.


If your efforts to resolve the problem yourself is not successful, do proceed to write a letter to the Consumer Protection Bureau and attach copies of your receipt(s), and a copy of your initial complaint letter to the business. Please keep your letter civil and reasonable.

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